Bing decides to stop being the decision engine
Microsoft has decided to dump the decision engine tagline it’s been using to promote its search engine, Bing, as well as that annoying ‘Bing!’ voice over. The latest ad for Microsoft’s anti-Google snowboarder turned sports commentator Kevin Pearce, with the new slogan ‘Bing is for doing,’ as revealed on the Bing Blog.
Kevin Pearce was a favorite for the 2010 Olympics before he suffered a debilitating brain injury, and the ad shows footage of his snowboarding career and astounding recovery, overlaid with a smattering of new slogans for Bing.
The new ad (and there’s more on the way) takes the old ‘decision engine’ slogan a step further; Bing isn’t just for deciding anymore. It’s for getting things done. Here’s Microsoft’s own description of the new approach:
[message type=”info”]This weekend, Bing will be premiering a new campaign featuring winter sports athletes doing amazing things. The campaign will launch with American snowboarder, Kevin Pearce, who was on the path to the 2010 Olympics before a tragic snowboarding accident left him with a traumatic brain injury. Pearce, now an aspiring sports commentator and an advocate for both the National Down Syndrome Society and the prevention of Traumatic Brain Injuries, just returned to the slopes this month. Bing has documented his inspiring story and an advertisement featuring his story will premiere during the NFC Championship game on Sunday and air during the X Games coverage on ESPN. Kevin’s determination and drive to overcome the catastrophe through vigorous rehabilitation and training inspires us at Bing to “do” more
Bing has been reporting regular growth quarter over quarter for a while now, and no doubt Microsoft’s massive advertising campaigns and incentives have no doubt played a big part in that. Microsoft’s latest profit report shows that Bing and the rest of its Online Services Division is inching closer to breaking even, although it’s still got a good ways to go.
Check out the ad for yourself below, courtesy of Microsoft, then tell us what you think: