
Truly Heartbreaking

 In Canada Web Developer, News

Growing old is not easy for anyone. Physically, the elderly cannot do as much for themselves as they once could, they are often isolated and, in many cases, develop mental illnesses because of it. If you’ve ever had the chance to meet an isolated senior citizen, you may notice many differences between them and active, social seniors. Being in good company and avoiding boredom can be all the difference to the health and well-being of older people.

This video is a sobering reminder of what life is like when a person is isolated from family and friends, bored and unable to do many of the things they once did to pass the time alone. What this woman did with her time alone is scary to imagine. Thankfully, there are good people out there and the benefits of what they do cannot be measured.

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Technology News, Advice and More | Web Solutions, Development Services, Cloud Hosting, Professional Web Site Installation Services and more by Canada Web DeveloperHalloween is a fun time of year filled with exciting costumes, yummy candy, and festive decorations. Whether you have friends that wait year round for the opportunity to don their Halloween attire and carve their jack-o-lanterns, or your buddies simply appreciate the holiday for a few good plays-on-words, here at Canada Web Developer we hope your Halloween is all treats and no tricks…enjoy the candy and festivities!