Take a look inside the PlayStation 4 in Sony teardown
With less than eight days to go before the launch of the PlayStation 4 in the U.S., Sony has finally decided to open up about their next generation console. When we say “open up”, we mean Sony allowed someone to open up the case on the PS4 and let the public see what’s inside.
[chameleon_video autoplay=”no” skin=”light” responsive=”yes” width=”600″ height=”300″ video=”http://smartcloud.canadawebdeveloper.ca/wp-content/uploads/CDN/CanadaWebDeveloper/2013/11/SonyPS4.mp4″ poster=”http://smartcloud.canadawebdeveloper.ca/wp-content/uploads/CDN/CanadaWebDeveloper/2013/11/poster.jpg” /]Wired’s new article on the development of the PS4 includes a video (sadly with no embed features) showing Sony engineering director Yasuhiro Ootori personally opening the case of the console and talking about what’s inside, such as its 8 GB of GDDR5 RAM. There’s also a gallery of images, including several after-teardown photos. There’s no new information offered about the PS4’s hardware but it’s still cool to see what’s inside.
In related news, Sony has announced that 11 streaming media apps will be available for the PS4 launch in the U.S. Sony has concentrated on making the PS4 a game machine first, so the fact that there will be media apps available for the console’s first release is notable.
The app list includes:
[checklist]- Amazon Instant Video
- Crackle
- Crunchyroll
- Hulu Plus
- NBA Game Time
- Netflix
- NHL GameCenter Live
- Redbox Instant by Verizon
- YuppTV