
iPhone 5s users plagued by Blue Screen of Death

 In BSOD, ios 7, iphone, News

When you hear the term ‘Blue Screen of Death’, one typically thinks of Windows. But, according to Apple’s support forums, it looks like the new iPhone 5s might be experiencing its own flavor of the BSOD.

If you watch the video above, you can clearly see the BSOD occur on the new iPhone 5s. It appears that this user is not alone, as many more users have taken to Apple’s support forums after experiencing the same issue themselves. Of course, the irony here is that Microsoft has been working extremely hard to shake itself of the BSOD stigma and with Apple’s new device experiencing a BSOD, one can’t help but laugh.

It should be noted that the BSOD on the iPhone 5s is not exactly what you would see on a Windows machine as the iPhone 5s simply reboots, whereas a Windows machine used to throw up error strings and freeze. This did change a bit with Windows 8 but the color is still the same, and that sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach never goes away after seeing a BSOD on any Windows machine.

The BSOD comes at a time where Crittercism is reporting that apps on iPhone 5s are crashing twice as often when compared to the crash rate on the iPhone 5. On the iPhone 5s, apps crash about 2% of the time whereas on the iPhone 5 and 5c, the crash rate is under 1%.

Apple will surely fix the BSOD screen issue with its new iPhone flagship as it appears to stem from certain apps causing the system to crash, rather than a full-on kernel panic.

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